Pochonia chlamydosporia var. catenulata strain IMI SD-187 (=BCC-201)
Contains at least 1 x 10 colony forming units per gram of commercial product.
KLAMIC, is a microbiological nematicide formulated from chlamydospores of a selected and exclusive strain of the endophytic fungus and biological control agent Pochonia chlamydosporia IMI SD 187(=BCC-201).
Plant-parasitic nematodes cause damage to the root system and affect the roots ability to absorb water and nutrients; Consequently, vegetative development, productivity and quality of crops are reduced.
The strain IMI SD 187 (=BCC-201), was selected from more than 120 strains of Pochonia chlamydosporia due to its high production of resistance spores (chlamydospores), a strong ability to colonize plants in an endophytic manner and powerful parasitic activity.
Given its endophytic qualities, defense mechanisms against phytoparasitic nematodes are activated in the plant (Induced Systemic Resistance).
Klamic establishes in the soil and endophytically colonizes the root system (symbiosis). During its colonization, it recognizes and grows towards the eggs, juveniles and adult females of phytoparasitic nematodes, parasitizes them and progressively reduces their populations in the soil and roots.
It favors the solubilization and translocation of nutrients that are little available to plants, such as: phosphorus, calcium and potassium.
It produces plant hormones that promote plant growth, such as indole acetic acid (IAA), and creates a favorable environment for root development, ensuring rhizosphere health and increasing agricultural production.
Klamic ensures 30 to 180 days of control of plant parasitic nematodes, depending on the crop.
To apply Klamic to soil, it is recommended to use a backpack or tractor-driven spray equipment to apply it at and around the base of the plant. It can also be applied by drip irrigation system or micro-sprinklers.